Chimney Rebuilding Underway

Blog > Chimney Sweep News > Chimney Rebuilding Underway

It was great to visit a customer yesterday after condemning the chimney stack back in the summer to see the work well and truly underway to demolish and rebuild the entire chimney stack. This is a semi detached house and so this is a joint enterprise with the neighbouring residents.

After venturing up to the top I was shown the incredibly poor state of the bricks which were essentially rotten and crumbling in the hands of the householder as the mildest of taps with the lump hammer dislodged brick after brick. I couldn’t resist a cheeky selfie whilst nobody was looking!

Whilst an unwelcome inconvenience for anyone the house owners will be far safer in their beds with a nice new solid chimney stack over their heads. Sweep Chief may not get a sweep out of this one but I’m comfortable in the knowledge that I’ve done my best in the interests of the occupier. A sweep of the fragile collection of loose masonry and bricks would have been madness and dangerous to say the least.

Scaffold tower to chimney
Demolition of chimney underway


Sweep Chief visit
Sweep Chief visiting the workers!

Chimney repairs

Chimney rebuilding
A view of the winch from the ground